
Welcome to 's Job Seeker profile.

Whenever you apply to one of HMV's jobs, we automatically save your application and create a re-usable profile that can be used to apply to other jobs. This way you won't have to keep filling out application forms every time you want to apply to a new job.

 Profile Login
  • New Applicant? Enter your email address (1), then click "Create Profile" button (2).
Import my information from LinkedIn 

  • Returning User? To login into your profile please enter your email and password below:

  • Forgot Your Password? Enter your email address above, then » click here. Your password will be sent to this address immediately.

Once you have logged in, you can apply to any HMV job with the click of a button.

Not only will your profile hold your current contact information, resume and skills, but it will also keep a record of all the jobs you have applied to in the past, and keep you aware of your status with each job! No longer will you have to keep phoning a recruiter to find out your status. You will have access to it anytime.

All of the information in your profile is updated in real-time. That means, the instant your status changes on a job, you can be notified immediately. If you don't find the right opportunity on our website today, no problem. Just create a profile, and we will notify you when a new opportunity matches your skills.

Summary of what your profile will do for you:

  1. Keep track of the jobs you've applied to.
  2. Stay on top of your status with each job you've applied to.
  3. Maintain a current copy of your resume.
  4. Update your status ("Active" if you are still looking, "inactive" if you are not).
  5. Apply to new jobs with the single click of a button.
Please send your feedback or comments to webhelp.njoyn@cgi.com.
  • Cookies Disclaimer:
    cookies are files that your web browser places on your computer's hard drive and are used to tell us whether you have visited the career pages previously. The web site issues a session cookie only to record session information for the duration of a specific session. The session cookie does not include the username or password of the user.